Direct Beam awarded contract to support NASA KaBOOM Asteroid tracking system.

11 April 2016
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Category: Latest News
11 April 2016, Comments: 0

NASA is working on a project that will enable the implementation of a high resolution, high power Ka-Band radar system to better track and characterize (size, shape, spin, surface composition) Near Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and comets, as well as, orbital debris. This project, Ka-Band Objects: Observation and Monitoring (KaBOOM) will Prevention :- Avoiding travelling buy levitra cheap to disease-prone zones Yellow fever vaccine 10-14 days before travelling to areas of occurrence. The buy viagra uk instructors’ are accessible round the clock therefore you’ll simply decide your category kind and find started. This tool is a brilliant launch with its advanced malware scanning and removal options, rootkits protection, and the assurance that there won’t be any problems thereafter. levitra 40mg mastercard It is sweet generic order viagra to taste and hot in potency. seek to demonstrate a Ka-Band phased array of widely separated antennas that can instantly compensate for atmospheric twinkling to improve what is seen; it will use three 12 meter diameter antennas at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Direct Beam is developing a custom, specialized antenna to help with the testing of NASA’s KaBOOM system.

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