
11 April 2016
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Direct Beam awarded contract to support NASA KaBOOM Asteroid tracking system.

11 April 2016, Comments: 0

NASA is working on a project that will enable the implementation of a high resolution, high power Ka-Band radar system to better track and […]

7 September 2015
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Nine Companies Chosen to Participate in the First Annual EDC/NASA Technology Docking Roadshow Event

7 September 2015, Comments: 0

Brevard County, Fla (August 6, 2015) – Technology Docking, a strategic alliance between NASA and the EDC is a regional initiative and part of NASA’s […]

15 June 2015
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New Contract to develop advanced Anti-Jam antenna

15 June 2015, Comments: 0

dBi awarded contract to support development of an anti-jam antenna for U.S. Department of Defense platform. This Are you finishing too fast? In discover […]

14 April 2015
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Contract for the US Navy Littoral Combat Ship

14 April 2015, Comments: 0

dBi awarded contract for a custom Launch & Recovery (L&R) antenna for installation on the US Navy Littoral Erectile DysfunctionThe medical issue that causes […]

18 March 2015
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US Navy contract

18 March 2015, Comments: 0

dBi awarded a contract for an over-the-horizon (OTH) antenna coupler system for a US Navy unmanned underwater vehicle. It offers one of the natural […]